Concrete Scanning in Seattle, WA: A Crucial Step in Pre-Construction Planning

In the world of construction, few things are as important as concrete scanning. Without proper concrete scanning, an entire construction operation could be completely compromised, unsafe, and ultimately impossible to complete. 

What Is Concrete Scanning?

In the most basic sense, concrete scanning is a technique that is used to assess and locate hidden objects, dangerous voids, or troubling anomalies that are deep within concrete structures, from sidewalks to buildings, bridges, and more. 

The primary technology used in concrete scanning is Ground Penetrating Radar, which is a widely employed method due to its ability to penetrate and analyze the internal structure of concrete. The entire process has to be expertly handled by only the best-trained professionals, like our team at Scan2Core. When we handle a concrete scanning operation, we are able to find every little problem that needs to be quickly addressed. 

How Does Concrete Scanning in Seattle, WA Work?

There are quite a few important factors that work together to complete a concrete scanning job. Taken together, these all work in tandem to make sure the construction or maintenance operation is as safe as can be. Here is an accurate look at what the concrete scanning process is like.


The main equipment used for concrete scanning is the aforementioned GPR device, which consists of a control unit and one or more radar antennae. The radar antennae come in various frequencies, each suitable for different scanning depths and resolutions. This equipment varies and means that no matter where the scanning is taking place, it is capable of being completed. 


The GPR device is then positioned on the surface of the concrete structure that has to be scanned. It can be handheld, mounted, or even attached to a vehicle, depending on the specific requirements of the project at hand.

Data Collection

The GPR device emits electromagnetic waves deep into the concrete. These waves then penetrate the concrete, interacting with various materials and objects within it, before returning to the surface.

Data Interpretation

Once it has returned to the equipment and the manager running it, the collected radar data is then processed and displayed in real-time on the device’s screens or downloaded to a computer. Then skilled operators interpret the found results, identifying the location and depth of objects like reinforcing pipes, voids, or other anomalies buried in the concrete.

Marking and Documentation

As objects and anomalies are identified, they are then typically marked on the concrete surface for later reference. The results are documented in reports, drawings, or digital files.

Concrete Scanning Always Remains Safe 

It’s important to note that concrete scanning does not damage the concrete or require physical access to the subsurface, making it ideal for quality control during construction and the assessment of existing structures. It is essentially like taking an X-ray of sidewalks, buildings, and other objects. Crews do not have to dig or get dirty. They simply have to run the concrete scanning equipment and then see everything that is hidden below them. 

Scan2Core Can Help You With Concrete Scanning Today

Concrete scanning helps ensure safety and integrity by detecting objects or issues that could pose risks or affect the durability of all sorts of concrete structures. 

With the help of Scan2Core, the entire process of concrete scanning will be a total breeze. For all of your concrete scanning needs, we are the premiere choice for you.